The Group of Studies of Othered and Subordinated Memories (Grupo de Estudios sobre Memorias Alterizadas y Subordinadas, or GEMAS), established in 2008, is a team that brings together researchers (mostly in Anthropology) from different regions and universities in Argentina. Its members work with indigenous peoples and, to a lesser extent, with other subordinated and othered groups (Afro-descendants and immigrants from neighbouring countries) on the relations between memory and territory, from approaches anchored in committed and/or collaborative ethnography (depending on each case). One of the aims of the group is to generate instances and materials for dissemination that contribute to stimulate reflection on the effects of hegemony on the processes of subalternization of indigenous peoples and the dispossession of their territories. In addition to the research tasks themselves, members of the group participate in the design, execution, assessment and/or accompaniment of outreach, knowledge transfer and public policy management and artistic projects, including a variety of activities and outputs: books, academic articles, dissemination articles, documentaries, short films, workshops, public talks, radio programmes, conferences, judicial expert reports, teaching materials, technical reports, advice, etc.

The Network of Information and Discussion on Archaeology and Heritage (Red de Información y Discusión sobre Arqueología y Patrimonio, or RIDAP) is a collective of critical analysis of the South American reality, integrated by researchers and working groups interested in dismantling the modern imaginaries that construct the relationship between heritage, culture, identity and territories. As a discipline of the Human and Social Sciences, Archaeology contributes to these imaginaries in various ways. On the one hand, it endorses the production of cultural heritage linked to processes of growing hierarchisation of differences and socio-spatial relations. At the same time, it is at the service of the colonial-patriarchal order of capital which operates as a structuring force of the global reality.